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AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits Vol. 1 & 2 DVDs are available exclusively from Crypt Club Productions Inc. See below for ordering details.

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For a taste of AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits Vol. 1 & 2 watch the trailers. Each DVD's content is listed below.

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AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 2
Trailer (2:26)

AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 1
Trailer (2:26)

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AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 1 includes:

The Crypt Club

The Crypt Club - Julie at the gravesite. THE CRYPT CLUB
"Are you in or out?"

A dark, cautionary tale of three teenage girls who drive a vintage hearse to a deserted country cemetery for a midnight initiation that will challenge each girl’s conscience – with horrific results. (English, 23:00, Canada)

DIRECTOR: Miguel Gallego / PRODUCERS: Miguel Gallego, Nancy Moore, Jesse D. Ikeman, Louise Mackintosh / WRITER: Miguel Gallego / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Walter Pacifico / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Nicholas Longstaff / EDITOR: Miguel Gallego

CAST: Alison Pill, Jessica Greco, Kerry Segal, Michèle Duquet

Ghost Busted

Ghost Busted - Knock. Knock. Who's there? GHOST BUSTED
"Who you gonna call...?"

A young woman living alone hires a professional ghost hunter to investigate her haunted house... (English, 3:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Vance Null / PRODUCER: Vance Null / WRITER: Vance Null / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Vance Null / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Nick Worth / EDITOR: Vance Null

CAST: James Ward, Andrea Worth, Charley Carlat, Vance Null, Jeremy Wilson, Nick Worth

My Skin!

My Skin! The victim. MY SKIN!
"Death takes revenge."

Death flies in to collect the soul of a murdered young woman, but first takes revenge on her killer. After replacing all of the incriminating evidence Death makes a very special phone call. Here the supernatural vengeance truly begins. (English, 13:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Christopher Alan Broadstone / PRODUCER: Sebastian Alan / WRITER: Christopher Alan Broadstone / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Schwarz Nipfargen / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Brian Sussman / EDITOR: Christopher Alan Broadstone

CAST: Tony Simmons, Lisa Montague, Rick Wildridge, Cole Adam Buisson

The 9th Entry

"When all hope is gone... there is the 9th entry."

What do you do when you believe your house is making you sick? You leave. What do you do when whatever it is follows you? You fight it to the end. (English, 5:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Anthony Falcon / PRODUCER: Anthony Falcon / WRITER: Anthony Falcon / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Anthony Falcon / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Anthony Falcon / EDITOR: Anthony Falcon

CAST: Anthony Falcon, Devyn C. Falcon, Kallie Falcon


"Can you see the evil that is watching you?"

No one knows who created the mirror. No one knows who possesses it. But Tim Russel knows what it can do. And he's going to prove it - at any cost. (English, 32:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Mike Flanagan / PRODUCERS: Shea Cerveny & Amy Winter (Executives), Mike Flanagan & Jeff Seidman / WRITERS: Mike Flanagan and Jeff Seidman / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Mike Flanagan / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Adam Johnson / EDITOR: Mike Flanagan

CAST: Scott Graham, Brandyn Feldman, Joe Wicker, Matt Reynolds

Old Friends

Old Friends - Mother & daughter terrified. OLD FRIENDS
"Even the best of friends can turn nasty."

When an avian flu decimates Los Angeles a family struggles to survive while waiting for relief to come. Avoiding the contagion is tough enough. Then old friends come calling - and they're hungry. (English, 14:30, USA)

DIRECTOR: Kevin Greutert / PRODUCER: Elizabeth Rowin / WRITERS: Kevin Greutert & Randy Horton / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Andrew Takeuchi / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Jamie Steele, Dave Waterbury / EDITOR: Kevin Greutert

CAST: Grant Courtney, Jamie Virostko, Heather Trzyna, Mitchell Kalamian, Eric Shaun Williams

From the Editor of SAW, SAW 2, SAW 3, SAW 4, SAW 5, THE STRANGERS, and the Director of SAW 6, and SAW 7 (3D).

The Veil

"What lies beyond the veil?"

A young married woman is haunted by dark visions. Is it her medication, or something more sinister? Dreams and reality merge and lead to blood in this Lovecraft inspired period piece. (English, 12:00, Canada)

DIRECTOR: Mike Jackson / PRODUCERS: Charles Zuckermann, Mike Jackson, Jean-Denis Rouette / WRITERS: Samuel Dulmage & Mike Jackson / ADDITIONAL DIALOGUE: Toren Atkinson / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Samuel Dulmage / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Jeff Tymoschuk / EDITOR: Jean-Denis Rouette

CAST: Corina Akeson, MacKenzie Gray, Charles Zuckermann, Toren Atkinson, Robyn Forsyth

AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 1 Tech Specs

DVD RELEASE: September 2008

GENRE: Horror, Drama, Short Films, Compilation

TITLES: (alphabetical) The Crypt Club, Ghost Busted, My Skin!, The Ninth Entry, Oculus, Old Friends, The Veil.

DURATION: 110 minutes, approx. (plus Extras)

FORMAT: DVD-R, NTSC, SD Full Screen 4:3 Letterbox presentation,
All Region DVD, Color

AUDIO: Dolby Digital Pro 2.0 Stereo

EXTRAS: Play Options: Play All (Festival Order), Individual Film Selection; Chapter Jumps, Trailers, Greetings from Miguel Gallego (creator), DVD@CCESS Link to Secret Web Content, DVD Credits, Interactive Menus.


SUBTITLES: English, Español

UPC: 845029008800

RATING: Not Rated. Warning: Some strong visuals & language, mature themes. Not recommended for infants or the infantile.

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AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 2 includes:


Image from Gnaw - Two zombie holocaust survivors wonder what to do now... GNAW
"You can't hide from the madness if it's already within."

When the zombie apocalypse begins, three friends hide in an abandoned hospital corridor. Waiting for rescue, the hours become days. When they turn against each other, the evil can't stay locked out forever. (English, 13:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Frank Merle / PRODUCER: Frank Merle / WRITER: Frank Merle / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Frank Merle / MUSIC: Njorn Lynne / EDITOR: Frank Merle

CAST: Kelly Holden, Charles Riffenburg, Brandon Rowray


Image from Hell's Habit - A nun learns that Mother Superior's methods are harsh. HELL'S HABIT
"Hell shall be your bed chamber!"

Hell’s Habit pays homage to Italian Gothic horror cinema of the 60s and 70s.  It’s a supernatural tale of possession, death and vengeance set in an Italian rectory. (Silent w titles, 8:00, Canada)

DIRECTOR: Mike Jackson / PRODUCERS: Anna Cummer, Sam Dulmage, Mike Jackson, Peter New / WRITERS: Sam Dulmage, Mike Jackson, Story by Anna Cummer / CINEMATOGRAPHERS: Sam Dulmage, Mike Jackson / MUSIC: Jeff Tymoschuk / EDITOR: Mike Jackson

CAST: Corina Akeson, Anna Cummer, Sam Dulmage, Peter New


Image from Human No More - Detective Nemo makes a sharp point. HUMAN NO MORE
"Death? Death is just a penalty for living."

A private detective consumed by an irreconcilable murder case descends into his caustic underworld one last time. There he must face the blind eye of Heaven, the hunger of Hell, and the relentless ambiguity of his own humanity. (English, 17:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Christopher Alan Broadstone / PRODUCER: Sebastian Alan / WRITER: Christopher Alan Broadstone / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Schwarz Nipfargen / MUSIC: Brian Sussman / EDITOR: Christopher Alan Broadstone

CAST: Tony Simmons, Adam Buisson, Green Whittaker, Evan Susswood


Image from The Kooky Kastle - What lurks in this carnival's haunted ride? THE KOOKY KASTLE
"What if there is no next time, mommy?”

Take a wild CG animated spin through an old carnival's haunted ride, complete with tunnels and caves - but watch out for falling barrels, swooping bats, overgrown pumpkins, and especially killer ghosts! Carnival rides were never like this. (English, 7:45, USA)

DIRECTOR: Paul Carty / PRODUCER: Paul Carty / WRITER: Paul Carty / ANIMATOR: Paul Carty / MUSIC: Nick Worth / EDITOR: Paul Carty

VOICES: Paul Carty, Jane Carty, Jamie Carty, Michelle Carty


Image from Legend of the Seven Bloody Torturers - Meet the dungeon's torturers. LEGEND OF THE SEVEN BLOODY TORTURERS
"A wicked little tale of pain, suffering, and fudging the numbers.”

A young clerk is sent into the dungeon of the Seven Bloody Torturers, where he discovers that they are about to face the most painful torture of all: a threat to their name-brand recognition. (English, 5:00, Canada)

DIRECTOR: Conall Pendergast / PRODUCERS: Martin-Andre Young, Carl Elster, Conall Pendergast / WRITER: Conall Pendergast / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Carl Elster / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Steven Kado / EDITOR: Ryan Neill

CAST: Aaron Metler, Jason Cochrane, Luis Fernandes, Josh Kerr, Matt Archdekin, Cyrus Bapooki, Jon Gault, Hugh Gibson, Andrew Stoeten, Michael Tersigni


Image from Out of the Darkness - She wants something from you, but what? OUT OF THE DARKNESS
"You're not going to leave me, are you?”

After a bitter fight with his pregnant wife, Otis goes on a drinking binge. He wakes up in a pretty woman's house only to discover that the punishment for poor judgment far outweighs the crime. (English, 17:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Nicholas Rucka / EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Al Markovitz M.D., Linda Martin / PRODUCER: Thomas Woodrow / WRITER: Nicholas Rucka / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Eric Lin / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Charles Pierce / EDITOR: Nicholas Rucka

CAST: Patricia Ageheim, Tommy Guiffre, Kelly McAndrew


Image from The Room - Sam is trapped in the room, but why?THE ROOM
"In the room lies Sam. In Sam, there lies more.”

Sam wakes up in a cold, metal-clad room with a long smear of blood from the door to a mutilated body in the corner. Sam slowly pieces together fragmented memories and begins to understand why she is locked in this room. What lies inside of her cannot be let free. (English, 20:15, USA)

DIRECTOR: Andres Meza-Valdes, Diego Meza-Valdes / EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Grisel Valdes / PRODUCERS: Joshua Miller, Sam Rega / WRITER: Marco Ramirez (Story by Andres Meza-Valdes, Diego Meza-Valdes, Marco Ramirez) / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Jorge Valdes-Iga / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Rashied Tali, Diego Meza-Valdes / EDITOR: Mathew Berkowitz

CAST: Katie McClellan, Peanut Alvarez, Francisco Padura, Carmen Gonzalez, Jennifer Atwood


Image from The Strain - She clutches a claw hammer to defend herself from...? THE STRAIN
"What if this were to happen again?”

While trying to fix a failing marriage, a young couple's troubles turn deadly when a mysterious virus transforms one of them into the unthinkable… (English, 16:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Mike Doyle / PRODUCERS: Elizabeth Doyle, Joel Smith / CO-PRODUCER: Jared Crain / WRITER: Mike Doyle / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Eric MacIver / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Vincent Gillioz / ADDITIONAL MUSIC: Jeff Cairns, Grant Vanderslice / EDITORS: Mike Doyle, Joel Smith

CAST: Alexandra Boylan, Jared Crain, Carl Ezold


Image from Trick or Treat - The skull-masked trick or treater threatens with a butcher knife.TRICK OR TREAT
"No treat? Then tricks.”

A woman opens her door to a young trick-or-treater, but it's the night after Halloween. Thinking the boy may be in trouble, she takes him into her home. She soon discovers that she is the one who is in trouble. (English, 8:00, USA)

DIRECTOR: Oliver Pearce / PRODUCER: Kerim Ekonomi / WRITER: Oliver Pearce / CINEMATOGRAPHER: Mark McBride / ORIGINAL MUSIC: Michael Kelley / EDITOR: Oliver Pearce

CAST: Jamie M. Fox, Christopher Irwin, Alexander Kayfetz-Gaum

AAAAAH!! Indie Horror Hits, Volume 2 Tech Specs

DVD RELEASE: October 2010

GENRE: Horror, Drama, Short Films, Compilation

TITLES: (alphabetical) Gnaw, Hell's Habit, Human No More, The Kooky Kastle, Legend of the Seven Bloody Torturers, Out of the Darkness, The Room, The Strain, Trick or Treat.

DURATION: 122 minutes, approx. (plus Extras)

FORMAT: DVD-R, NTSC, SD Full Screen 4:3 Letterbox presentation,
All Region DVD, Color

AUDIO: Dolby Digital Pro 2.0 Stereo

EXTRAS: Play Options: Play All (Festival Order), Individual Film Selection; Chapter Jumps, Trailers, Greetings from Miguel Gallego (creator), DVD@CCESS Link to Secret Web Content, DVD Credits, Interactive Menus.


SUBTITLES: English, Español

UPC: 885007129837

RATING: Not Rated. Warning: Some strong visuals & language, mature themes. Not recommended for infants or the infantile.

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